What’s The Best Copier And Printer For A New Business?
Calendar Friday, March 17th, 2017
Are you starting a new company? As you shop for office supplies and furniture, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Looking for the right copier and printer is no exception. There are so many options that you may not even know where to start. The following advice will get you on your way to narrowing down a list of options and making well-informed decisions about the final purchases.
Start Simple
When you’re just getting your new organization up and running, it can be hard to know what you need. Until you’ve had a machine for six months, you may not have any idea what features you’ll use on a regular basis. You don’t want to pay for a lot of bells and whistles that end up sitting unused. It’s better to start simple and then upgrade as needed in the future. Leasing can also be a great option for trying new equipment. It allows you to assess products, decide what features you want, and determine whether leasing or buying makes more sense on a long-term basis.
Consider Black And White Versus Color
Unless your company makes large quantities of color copies, you most likely don’t need a color copier. For many businesses, it is more cost effective to purchase a high quality laser printer for routine black and white jobs and a smaller color printer that will be used exclusively for color jobs. If your color copying and printing is limited to an occasional bulk job (i.e. new company brochures), outsource this work.
Be Realistic About Company Needs
As you’re putting together a new office, it can be tempting to get all of the best products available. While it may be fun to have a top-of-the-line copier, many high-end models are overkill for most companies. Consider the number of employees and the amount of copying that you’ll do each month. As a new business, if you don’t have definitive numbers about your copying use, talk to similarly sized companies to get a rough estimate. As you look at varying machines, consider capacity, speed, the cost of the consumables (i.e. paper and toner), and available features, including an automatic document feeder (ADF), networked printing, sorters, finishers, paper trays, and faxing.
UCI is a full-service copier company in Amarillo, Texas. We have extensive experience helping businesses of all sizes outfit their new offices with copiers and printers. Whether you’re a small start up looking for a couple simple machines or a large corporation investing in a dozen machines, we are here to help you.