Most companies have no idea how much money they spend on their printers. They simply know that when the printer needs toner, they must buy more at a store or online. They don’t stop to consider their profit and loss (P and L) statement. If it sounds like too much work to keep track of your printer expenses and running reports, think about using UCI’s managed print services.
There is no single definition for managed print services, as these services can include a wide range of features that cater to different businesses, depending on their printing needs. However, regardless of the company at hand, the end result for managed print services is the same. You gain control and visibility of your printing and improve your document security and environmental sustainability, which helps you save money and heighten productivity. With someone else managing your print infrastructure, you have the time and energy that you need to focus on business goals and tasks.
Contact UsManaged print services examine the comprehensive cost of managing and optimizing your printers, their outputs, and the employees and processes that support these devices.
Here’s the thing about printers, we all have them in our offices. We’re all needing to run reports, get proposals out - and what happens in the middle of that? We run out of toner and we run out of ink. So we run to the closet to see if we have it. Nobody has it, so we have to stop what we’re doing, go to the local office supply store. We don’t care what it costs. We buy what we need, we run back, we put it in, and we get our reports and our job’s done. Here at UCI we have a managed print service program. What this means to you is we manage all your toners and inks for you. You no longer have to run to the office supply store. We will make sure that they’re delivered on time, where you’re ready to use them. That way your jobs come out when you need them.
The best managed print service companies do so much more than just oversee your printers. At UCI, we manage every aspect of owning and operating a printer including the toner, supplies, and service. We run an analysis on the printing that you do and create a program that fits your needs. Our analysis includes cost per image, quantity of prints, the amount of toner per page, percentage of color toner used, and number of service calls. These statistics can help you cut your printing costs as much as 10 to 18 percent. It takes us approximately 30 days to put together the initial print analysis.
If you have any questions about UCI and our services, contact our experienced staff today!
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