Monday, October 26th, 2020

Purchasing a copier is a big decision for any company big or small. Copiers should last for a number of years. It is important to choose the best copier the first time around. This article will highlight the common mistakes many business owners make when purchasing copiers and how to avoid them.

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Friday, February 28th, 2020

Education facilities have always had to stick to a budget, even for something as simple as print jobs. Printing forms, school work, and other documents can take up a surprising amount of a school’s finances. There are ways your school can save money on printing, which leaves room in the budget for other things.

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Tuesday, October 29th, 2019

Technology is constantly evolving, even in the copier world. When it is time for you to choose new equipment for your business, you may not be sure what to pick. Two common options are regular office copiers and multi-function copiers. It may seem like these two are the same, but each is a different machine with different features and capabilities.

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Friday, September 27th, 2019

Most businesses today still use at least one printer, fax machine, copier, or scanner, even though the digital world is taking over. All of the devices serve a purpose, but if you have more than one, they can take up a lot of space. Using a multifunction copier that includes all four of these machines offers a number of benefits to businesses.

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Friday, August 30th, 2019

For many businesses, cost is one of the most important factors of every operation. When it comes to copiers, you want to be sure you get the most out of them for the longest period possible. You may be wondering how long a copier typically lasts. The answer is that the lifespan of a copier will depend on certain factors, including who you are asking.

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Thursday, June 6th, 2019

Buying a copier for your legal firm isn’t an easy decision. You must choose from a wide variety of options. The process isn’t as simple as heading over to your favorite supply store and choosing a model. The copier you select must be up to the demands associated with the legal industry.

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Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019

Nearly every modern business needs a copier. From law firms and small businesses to hospital offices and corporate giants, everyone needs to print something at some point. But, does this mean that you need to buy a copier? While buying a machine is always an option, leasing one offers more flexibility. Here are some instances in which leasing is the most beneficial choice.

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Wednesday, March 27th, 2019

An efficient copier is the backbone of much of today’s business. Most employees rely on this equipment to print flyers, informational packets, presentations, spreadsheets, and other important files. It’s easy to take your company’s copier for granted, but it won’t last forever. There will come a time when your equipment may not print as much or when it breaks down completely. This is why it is important to know when you need to replace your copier and understand your options.

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Tuesday, February 26th, 2019

The competition in the world of copiers and printers is fierce. Every brand is constantly improving, developing, and releasing new products in the hopes of staying one step ahead of the game. Xerox is a veteran brand with a large following compared to the newer and less renowned Kyocera. But, which brand’s machines are better? Here’s a brief look at how the two brands compare.

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Wednesday, February 20th, 2019

The line that once separated copiers from printers has all but vanished over the last few years. Nowadays, most businesses only need to buy one machine to have the functionality of both a printer and a copier, as well as a scanner. There’s a wide variety of machines with all kinds of options and features to choose from.

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