Scanning is a way of transferring physical documents to digital image files. With a modern copy machine, this process is simple and stress-free. With the following steps, you’ll have a scanned image that you can send to a computer folder or email directly to co-workers in a matter of minutes.
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Copiers may seem like robust machines, but the truth is they can be rather delicate and sensitive to dust, moisture, and things that go “bump” during the workday. The following are some common copier problems and the ways you can go about resolving them before contacting a technician to take a peek.
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Many organizations buy ink and paper for their printers when they run low without thinking about how much money they’re spending on printing. A staggering amount of printing is unnecessary, leaving stacks of pages sitting in printers completely abandoned. A single employee can use as many as 10,000 pages annually, which amounts to about $1,000 in printing costs alone.
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Many businesses have no idea how much money they’re spending on their printers. When printers run low on paper or ink, they buy more and don’t give it a second thought. If you don’t have the expertise or staff to manage your printer expenses and running reports, you may want to think about managed print services to save both time and money. The following details just five ways that you can save with managed print services:
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